+597 490044 info@nimos.org

Admin Office – test

The Office of Administration

The Office of Administration is directly responsible to the General Director for day-to-day management of NIMOS. 

The Office provides the General Director’s secretarial services and has primary responsibility for financial management including annual budgeting.

The office is also responsible for:

  • Human resources management, including the management of staff training programs
  • Procurement and management of facilities and equipment.
  • Data processing systems, including new systems development.
  • Internal occupational health and safety 
  • Internal administrative control

Meet the Admin Office

Lieneke van Ams
Office Manager
Sophia Doelsamsoedi
Data Entry
Emmy Soetodrono
Financial Manager
Valentino Esajas
Financial Assistant
Sharon Doornkamp
Wensley Olieberg
Logistical Officer
Antoinette Dipasentana
Interior Care-taker

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