Many research efforts have been conducted to determine the presence and occurrence of Mercury and the usage of Mercury. The most recent study carried outof the UNEP, UNEP Global Mercury Assessment 2013, shows that the most common emissions of Mercury is due to human activities.
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The Artisenal and Small scale goldmining has grown in the past few years. This growth has brought negative effects on the Environment and human health. The Minamata Convention has as a main goal the protection of the Human Health and the Environment against the emission of antropogenic Mercury and Mercury-based Compounds.
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The National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname (NIMOS) conducted an Institutional and legal analysis regarding the effects of ratifying the Minamata Convention for Suriname. The overall conclusion was that Suriname has to ratify the convention whereas NIMOS has developed, together with other stakeholders, an Advise document and Action plan.
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